He plays football every

He Plays Football. He Play Football present simple. He Play Football во всех временах. Play или Plays.
Does he Plays Football ответ. He likes to Play Football вопрос. Does he Play Football. He Plays Football.
He Plays Football. Plays или playes. Вопрос every Day. He Plays или playes Football.
He Play Football во всех временах. He Play или Plays Football. On Friday или in Friday. We Play Football every Day в прошедшем времени.
He Play или Plays Football. He Play Football do или does. Play the Football или Play. He can Plays или Play.
She don't или doesn't. He doesn't Play Football. He Play или Plays Football. We Plays или Play.
He plays football every
I Play Football every Day. Every Day время. The Play Football every Day. Play Football every Day i go to School every Day.
Напиши по образцу he is playing a game. He isnt Plays Football.